#94 - Creating Healthy Habits in Life and Business with Zakariyyaa Lissade

Join us for an empowering conversation on creating healthy habits in life and business with the incredible Zakariyyaa Lissade. Zakariyyaa, with nearly 9 years of experience in the healthcare field, is on a mission to help people become healthier and wealthier from the inside out.
In this episode, we dive into:
- Zakariyyaa's background and mission
- NvisionU, his venture focused on holistic health
- The importance of mental health and mindset
- Creating better, healthier habits for personal growth
- Zakariyyaa's beliefs on the connection between inner and outer well-being
- Implementing practices like gratitude, decluttering, clear goals, and mindfulness
- The significance of generating extra income for overall wellbeing
Don't miss this enlightening episode with Zakariyyaa Lissade, where health and wealth converge!
Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahjansel/
Follow Jansel & Co: https://www.instagram.com/janselandco/
Website: www.janselandco.com
Website: https://nvisionu.com/en-us/brytefutur/pages/power-7
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedolladocta/