#44 - Best Tips For Launching And Selling Online with Kristina Bartold

If you’re trying to sell on your new website, sell a new program, new product, maybe even a new service - know this: you should be launching. I sat down with Kristina Bartold, Co-CEO of The Social Snippet, to talk about our best tips for launching and selling more of your products and services online.
In this episode you will learn:
- Why launching is important to selling more online
- When earning passive income makes sense - and when it doesn’t
- Ways you can start growing your audience online
- What launching tactics we’ve found most beneficial (social and more!)
Tune into this episode to learn more!
Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahjansel/
Follow Jansel & Co: https://www.instagram.com/janselandco/
Website: www.janselandco.com
Follow Kristina: https://www.instagram.com/kristina.bartold/
Follow The Social Snippet: https://www.instagram.com/thesocialsnippet/
Website: https://www.thesocialsnippet.com/